My name is Maggie and I am a guest speaker on this blog for one day only (that's what the old dog who lives here said anyway!) My mum had to go to work today and my usual dog sitters were not available, so I have come to a new house. My food has come too so I don't know for how long I have been abandoned. When I first met the old codger in the garden, I lay on my back in submission - I was in his territory after all but we both soon realised I was top dog and I set out to prove it. Laugh? I nearly offered around the Bonios.
I first of all jumped up on the bed whilst the woman of the household was trying to make it. I did get down but felt obliged to get back on, just to prove to the old codger that I still could.
Then I found a pull toy, which frankly had seen better days, so I chewed off the hard plastic then I annihilated the tennis ball part.
This is the old fella' looking at his old Christmas gift from his Aunty Betty. I wondered why everyone was whispering until I found out that there was a human sleeping in the back bedroom. This is Taffy's Aunty Barb from Canada. She's sleeping off something called Jet Lag. This didn't bother me though and I became quite vocal. Anyhow it worked because we went for a walk sooner rather than later. It was a struggle getting me into the boot of the car with the old boy but the old woman managed it and off we went. Imagine my surprise when the boot opened again and in got my old mucker Benson!! We were so happy to see each other but there was no room to show our happiness, what with the old boy in the corner barking.
When we got to the park, I jumped out of the car boot and took the woman flying across the grass to meet another chocolate labrador. She had no idea how strong I was. She dropped her car keys but I wasn't stopping. I also had to greet a Weimeraner that looked pretty handsome. When we got back to the car, Benson was out, trailing his lead and the old boy was out still wearing some kind of nappy. Car keys found we set off. Minutes later, we met a puppy boxer dog called Charlie and a little rascal called Molly, who told me in no uncertain terms that she was in charge of this pack and don't forget it! I played and played with Charlie and was covered in slobber. We were out for what seemed like hours.
We're home now and I am flaked out on the landing of the kennel. I think I like it here and the old woman seems to like me too. Asked me when I was coming again. Gotta dash now for some more ZZZZZZZZZ's
~~My name is Taffy and this is my story~~
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Dear Diary......
Good Consternoon Afterble, as SWMBO is fond of saying - having a distant relationship with the 'Old Bill'. Well, well, well. There must be much to tell you but I'll be surprised if I can remember everything. I can never get near this computer these days. HWMBO is writing what seems to be the longest book in the world. SWMBO is hoping it's going to be a best seller, so we can all retire to a dog friendly country in a modestly warm climate. Of course he'll never finish it if she keeps nagging him to do all the chores about the house.
Today I have been for 'Jellification'. I have been shorn to within an inch of my life. No matter how badly behaved I try to be, I keep getting taken back there. In fact, I didn't think I was looking too bad and nor did Mrs. Jelley, so I tried to walk right back out of there. SWMBO had other thoughts and now I need to stay in the warm and dry. Talking of which, she had me out today with Lady and Benson on Epsom Downs and there was a thunder storm going on. Well, I couldn't hear the thunder but I certainly saw the flashes.
Lady? I hear you ask. Well, Lady is my cousin and her mum has to work long hours this week, so Lady has come for a little holiday with us until Saturday. She is deaf like me and a little nervous but I'm taking good care of her. The first night she stayed, SWMBO felt sorry for her and let her come up to the master (or should that be mistress?) bedroom. I soon nodded off but Lady went on walkabout for some time before she settled. HWMBO said she made noises all night in her sleep. I never heard them but I must say she does suffer from wind and I can hear that!! Being a gentleman though, I pretend not to notice.
The photo above is Lady last night on my bed (she brought her own). I've heard of Red Eye but never green eye! What sort of camera are they using?
Last night, we were all watching Bouquet of Barbed Wire and didn't notice Lady slip out and perform a nuisance on the kitchen floor. Sadly, that action made SWMBO change her mind about the sleeping arrangements and Lady was relegated to the hall and kitchen overnight. Once again she went walkabout and her footsteps could be heard for at least half an hour before she lay down. (So I'm told - I was in the land of nod almost immediately.) I managed to sleep through the night for a change and when we went downstairs, unfortunately there was another smelly nuisance on the kitchen floor.
SWMBO blames herself. She has been giving Lady nice tasty treats that she's not used to and so today, she has been placed on her regular diet regimen. Watch this space for tomorrow's update.
Going backwards in time now. Last week, I was on a little holiday of my own. I went to stay with Val & Eric whilst Mum and Dad went to Liverpool for The Mathew St. Festival, which celebrates The Beatles - whoever they are. They did ask me but I declined the invitation. Anyhow, whilst on a walk with Eric, I met a little puppy and played with him. The puppy's owner thought I was a puppy myself. What do think about that then? Obviously the arthritis was on holiday too that day.
Whilst away, SWMBO arranged for another Cinnamon Trust lady - Judy - to walk Benson. This she did a couple of times over the weekend. Then Benson's owner fell ill and had to go to the hospital for a day. Judy was kind enough to rush over and take Benson to her house for the day. Well, Judy has a big garden and Benson apparently checked it all out. She has two duckweed covered ponds and Benson tried to be Jesus on both. He came out all smelly and one can only hope there were no fish in them.
If I've missed anything out, I'll be back very soon with an update. I have a bit of sleep to catch up on now, having been awake all day. TTFN
I even had to share my bed whilst hers stands empty!
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